Submitted By: Eden Area ROP

Student Background

When Cuiping Zhao entered into the marketing program in 2013-2014, she had only been in the country for two years but she was interested in business and wanted to become involved with DECA. Cuiping wanted to increase her knowledge of the industry and develop her language skills through the classroom, DECA presentations and interaction through competitive events. Cuiping is now a senior in the business ownership class and is an outstanding student and a great leader.

Program Description

This yearlong class is designed to help develop student skills for an entry-level position in the economics field or for further instruction leading to a career in business. Through classroom instruction, students will be able to apply competencies of marketing and business to actual job situations. DECA is an integral part of the marketing program which allows students to gain skills to enhance their self-confidence and business opportunities. Paid on-the-job training is part of the program designed to reinforce classroom instruction as well as valuable work experience.


Cuiping says, “As a marketing and business ownership student and member of DECA, I have learned how to communicate and interact with students and business leaders. Stepping in the role of DECA president was hard, but it allowed me a chance to develop my leadership skills and accomplish what I had doubts about. Because of Eden ROP and DECA, I became a better leader and a more confident person. Thanks to Eden ROP’s marketing program at San Lorenzo High I have had a chance to challenge myself to step out of my comfort zone and gain professional experience in the business field which is an interest of mine and my major in college this coming fall.”