Submitted By: Other

Student Background

Roy came in late, didn’t turn in or finish most of his assignments and, often, during lab activities, he didn’t participate. The instructor, Lori Anderson Day, took an interest in ROy and began to give him leadership roles during lab activities. She also encouraged him to turn in his work. Over a period of one semester, he began to cook more, took an interest in the demonstrations and began to arrive on time. Roy really took an interest in his work and what he was learning and shared that one of the only reasons that he wanted to come to school was to be in the Consumer Foods class. Roy thanked Ms. Anderson Day for all that he learned in class and shared how he now was prepares meals for his family at home.

Program Description

The ROP Culinary course provides students with a solid, introductory foundation in the basic techniques of professional cooking, emphasizing the importance of taste, smell and presentation. Students receive hands-on experience by providing catering services to various school-based and community-service organizations. The program prepares students with food production, preparation and service skills for employment in institutional, commercial, or independently owned food establishments or other food and hospitality industry occupations.


At the start of the 2013-14 school year, Roy came back to visit Ms. Anderson Day and shared that he had decided not to go into the military, but instead, to go to culinary school. He said that he really enjoyed learning to cook and how cooking is connected to everything that you do in your life. He said that he is looking forward to being a chef and thanked Ms. Anderson Day for helping him make that decision.