
California career and college readiness organizations use a proven collaborative model that links existing educational and workforce systems, and provides a continuum of opportunities incorporating seamless connections between parents and family, educational institutions, business and industry, and labor. This model offers a breadth of effective and innovative curricula, as well as services and programs that attract new businesses in search of a skilled workforce.

Career and college readiness organizations and all stakeholders from every level of the K-16 educational system are involved in the collaborative planning process. This network of organizations provides awareness, exploration, and preparation for students throughout their educational experience, inspiring the pursuit of educational pathways leading to careers in high-demand, emerging, and technical occupations, and offering stability and wages to support self-sufficiency.

The geographic size and the remote areas of California pose both significant challenges and opportunities. The vast career options range from mining to alternative energy innovations, technology, manufacturing, health and tourism. The career and college readiness programs align curriculum with 21st century skills and the needs of industry sectors, to ensure a pipeline exists that provides students with access to programs and services, including portability of certifications and credentials earned.

Partnering with school districts, workforce investment boards, community colleges, the California University systems, as well as, local, regional, and international businesses, California’s college and career readiness organizations are poised to provide relevant, engaging, and innovative programs that prepare students for their futures.