Who We Serve – Parents
As a parent, it’s difficult to keep up with all the changes in the academic landscape and the job market, but one thing remains constant. Building marketable skills, both academic and technical, are important ingredients for your child’s success.
Ninety percent of the fastest growing jobs in the U.S. require some form of education beyond high school, while most (80%) of all jobs in the foreseeable future will require some type of certification, credential, postsecondary degree or long-term training. Only 40 percent of these jobs require a four-year college degree. In today’s ever-changing job market, young adults need to blend work and learning at earlier stages to accelerate their launch into full-time careers and/or further academic achievement in the 21st century.
California’s new educational landscape is transforming to address the critical skills gaps facing many of the state’s high growth sectors, and to help build a pipeline of statewide talent that are college and work ready.
California has both current and emerging educational policies that are working to align funding and policies to ensure that students and learners are well prepared for academic achievement and technical skills. The catalyst for this success is work-based learning, in which students apply content and academic knowledge with a skills-learning experience in a workplace setting, all within the context of the Common Core State Standards.
A critical component of this regional alignment is California’s 50+ career and college readiness organizations that have been a strong and integral part of California’s educational system. CAROCP represents career and college readiness organizations across California that have a 40-year plus history of maximizing opportunities for students to achieve marketable skills through regional delivery of career technical education pathways, and courses that lead to college and/or career.
On average, 93% of college and career readiness courses offer work-based learning activities such as internships, field trips, guest speakers, on-the-job training and job shadowing. For every course offered, business representatives serve on local advisory boards and support a rigorous approach in developing industry-approved curriculum that is relevant in today’s economy.