Submitted By: Eden Area ROP
Student Background
Juny Nguyen is a junior at San Leandro High school. He joined the Academy for Business and Finance his sophomore year. He currently has a 4.37 GPA and hopes to attend UCLA, his dream school.
Program Description
The marketing program provides leadership skills, and prepares students for employment in the business/industry areas of retail stores, banks, grocery stores, wholesale, automotive, home furnishings and general merchandise. Paid on-the-job training is part of the program designed to reinforce classroom instruction as well as provide valuable work experience. DECA (An Association of Marketing Students) is an integral part of the Marketing program.
In his business class, Juny learned not only how to think about business, but actually apply it to real world situations. He’s created an actual business, and has incorporated the concepts he has learned in this class into his life. ROP has helped him break out of his shell, feel more confident in his presentations and given him the ability to speak publicly. His efforts have earned him recognition in multiple competitions and even provided him the opportunity to meet President Obama! He plans on continuing to run his business and attend UCLA after he graduates from high school.