GUHSD Connects with Cajon Valley Middle School Students
On Monday, November 1, 2021, GUHSD student ambassadors facilitated an interactive Zoom lesson with Hillsdale and Montgomery Middle School students. The goal of this session was to introduce middle school students to the many opportunities for career education available in the Grossmont Union High School District. Cajon Valley teachers surveyed student interests and, based on that information, high school student ambassadors representing Sports Medicine, Transportation, Cosmetology, AME and Marketing/Business pathways presented to groups of students in breakout rooms. In total, over 100 middle school students participated in this event. The event was organized by Jamie Davenport, the K12 Pathway Coordinator for the Grossmont-Cuyamaca region, along with GUHSD Student Ambassador Coordinator Nicole Thren, and Cajon Valley teachers Emily Connor and Brittany Rutledge, and counselor Daniel Shea. GUHSD looks forward to building stronger connections with neighboring elementary and middle school districts in order to spread the word about the awesome opportunities available in career and technical education.
By Jamie Davenport, CTE Curriculum Specialist / K12 SWP Pathway Coordinator
Grossmont Union High School District