Submitted By: Butte County ROP

Student Background
Brittany loved fashion so she enrolled in ROP Fashion merchandising her senior year of high school. She already had a job in fast food but wanted to pursue her dream of working in fashion.
Program Description
Brittany remembers a lesson where Ms. Homesley made a peanut butter sandwich according to the directions from the students. Oh my, what a mess! When Brittany is training new employees she remembers that they do not know what she is thinking. She knows that she needs to be more specific and ask more questions about how progress is coming along with tasks.
Brittany is thankful for her experience in ROP because she was hired as soon as she turned 18 and became the store manager at 20. She loves her career and the fact that she can support herself. She is now looking at the next steps in her corporation. Brittany feels ROP is so important because it gives young people job experience and helps them see what an industry is like. Brittany loves to hire ROP students because they already have a solid background and have learned how to work.