Submitted By: North Orange County ROP

Student Background
Dalia Alvarado first heard about the ROP Floral Design as an eighth grade student visiting her local high school. She had an immediate interest.
Program Description
Dalia began taking Floral Design during her junior year of high school. Students enrolled in this class learn flower, foliage and tool identification, plant propagation, construction of floral arrangements and corsages, merchandising, elements and principles of floral design, and skills essential for employment in the floral industry.
While taking the class, Dalia participated in on-the-job training at Jenny B. Floral.
After completing Floral Design, Dalia chose to return as a TA to her instructor so that she could serve as an apprentice to ongoing projects. According to her instructor, Dalia spends time shadowing her during lunchtime, discussing the industry and learning more about the business of floral design.
Jenny B. Floral, Dalia’s training site, hired her to do prep work and cleaning, and quickly promoted her to the position of designer. Upon graduation, Dalia will attend Fullerton College in pursuit of a degree in business so that she can open her own shop one day.