ROP Training Praised by Dentist

Submitted By: Coastline ROP “As a graduate of the USC School of Dentistry, I understand the value of an assistant with a good foundation in their training…. The future is bright when programs like ROP are made available and utilized by students – we, and our...

Skills for the 21st Century

Submitted By: Coastline ROP “I am very excited and looking forward to working with ROP students, especially as an ROP alumni myself. I learned so many valuable life lessons while participating in ROP. I worked for Peppino’s and took the Food Services class. The...

From Internship to Employees

Submitted By: Eden Area ROP “The Eden Area ROP’s program produces great interns who turn out to be wonderful employees; bettering our community.” ~Bill Hummer,...

Finest Dental Program in the East Bay

Submitted By: Eden Area ROP “In my opinion, Eden Area ROP has the finest dental assisting/RDA program in the East Bay. The quality of the teaching and the expectations of the students is beyond what most programs offer today. The continuation of this level of training...

Dental Program Invaluable

Submitted By: Eden Area ROP “The Eden Area ROP dental assisting program has been an invaluable program for the community. Heaven knows that the shortages for quality dental assistants is rising but with Eden ROP’s help, we are keeping it to a minimum.” ~Terence...