Connect. Inspire. Achieve.
CAROCP represents more than 50 career and college readiness organizations across California. Our members have a 40-year plus history of maximizing opportunities for students to develop career goals and to achieve marketable skills through local and regional delivery of career technical education programs that lead to college and/or career.
California’s career and college readiness programs support career development through a program of study that includes a technical core, work-based learning, leadership skills development, and real-world applications that reinforce academic subjects. They maintain deep connections with business and industry, community colleges, workforce development boards and their youth councils, and other important public, private and educational entities.
Helping students succeed and prosper in today’s competitive labor market is not a “one-size fits all” approach. It takes a comprehensive strategy to align regional economies and the needs of business and industry with options and choices that inspire students to engage in learning and achieve optimal success in pursuing their career goals.
We connect to business and industry to achieve a high level of collaboration and innovation with education partners and deliver relevant curriculum and classes that inspire students to learn and succeed.
Get the facts. CAROCP: The Association of Career and College Readiness Organizations
Connect. Inspire. Achieve.
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