Submitted By: Eden Area ROP

Student Background
Krystal graduated in 2011 as a proud Eden Area ROP Marketing program student and DECA Member. As a DECA and Marketing student her Junior and Senior Years in High School she competed at Career Conferences, focused on the subject area of “Hotel Lodging Travel and Tourism”, networked and met Marketing and DECA members from all over the world. The highlight was traveling to Florida for ICDC, and graduating with Marketing-DECA distinction.
Program Description
The Marketing program provides leadership skills, and prepares students for employment in the business/industry areas of retail stores, banks, grocery stores, wholesale, automotive, home furnishings and general merchandise. Paid on-the-job training is part of the program designed to reinforce classroom instruction as well as provide valuable work experience. DECA (An Association of Marketing Students) is an integral part of the Marketing program and prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs in marketing, finance, hospitality and management.
The Marketing program prepared Krystal for college and helped her get her first job. She worked there for three years. She currently works for a major hotel chain to gain the experience she desires to become a hotel manager. She is also majoring in Marketing Hospitality and Tourism at Cal State University, East Bay, and her dream to become a manager of a major hotel chain is closer than ever! She assists her former ROP instructorwith class projects and peer tutoring, and helps students prepare for DECA competitions. Giving back to the program that helped her is very rewarding.