Our Mission
To promote and support the regional delivery of exemplary career education, career development, and workforce preparation that contribute to student academic and career success and to the economic developments of California.

Who We Serve
Learn more about how we connect to business and industry to achieve and a high level of collaboration and innovation with education partners and deliver relevant curriculum and classes that inspire students to learn and succeed.

Students who enroll in career and college readiness course work transition into post-secondary opportunities at a consistently higher rate than students who do not participate in career and college readiness learning opportunities.

We partner with local district(s) to support them in achieving CTE priorities and increase services where possible to assist districts in meeting the needs of unduplicated pupils and improve the performance of all pupils in the eight priority areas.

Business & Industry
California’s career and college readiness organizations maintain ongoing relationships with businesses that, in turn, invest in our students’ successes through an array of work-based learning strategies aligned to curriculum and the real world of work.
High-Quality Curriculum and Instruction
Classes are aligned with California’s common core and career technical education state standards.
Skilled Faculty and Professional Development
Our teachers are highly qualified, credentialed, and have industry experience.
Responsiveness to Changing Economic Demands
We are data-driven, responsive to industry needs, and we stay connected through regular advisory meetings.
Career Exploration and Guidance
Our goal is to ensure career readiness and employability training while providing career guidance.
Industry Partnerships
Students benefit from work-based learning opportunities, mock interviews, job placements and community classrooms.
CTE Promotion, Outreach, and Communication
Students participate in community involvement through Career Technical Student Organizations.
Success Stories
We’ve successfully partnered with students, districts, and business and industry organizations. Read all about our success here.
Let’s Work Together
Join our team of Career Technical Education partners by becoming a member of CAROCP