CAROCP Distinguished Teacher Retires & Continues His Advocacy
This is a transition time for all of us. Friday 6/11/21 was my last day at OHS. For me the most challenging part (so far) of this retirement process is leaving people I care about… hey back the truck up! It’s Free Agent time for me. No quitters here. It’s time to develop and promote what the Osider so thoughtfully highlighted in their feature.
Here’s the link: See – Page 12 May/June Issue https://issuu.com/transitionvisualagency/docs/o_8_3_issuu
While my work is the focal point of this article, this feature shines a very bright positive spotlight on our collective efforts, and highlights some of what the OHS Learning Community is about.
And think about it. The short story… I could not have done it without ya!
My deepest hope is that we all continue to learn and practice our Restorative & Workplace Skills. Ask me for help as needed. Tell me what’s working and what’s not.
Let’s help each other prioritize putting civility and compassion into our daily choices and those who are are entrusted to our care.
By Paul Ruez, Restorative Practices & CTE Workplace Skills Advocate
Oceanside High School – Retired June 2021
Photo Credit: Zach Cordner Text: Elizabeth Schwartze