Submitted By: Forty-Niner ROP
A few years ago, Al Angulo, an Auto Services/Technology instructor with 49er ROP, taught students how to set up a race car suspension system. Later that year, Atlantic Motor Group (AMG) called and asked Al if he had any students who might be interested in working with their pit crew. He suggested three students who had just graduated from his program. After just one race, AMG hired all three students full time to travel with the race team. They went on to win the Mazda Cup Series three years in a row!
The students have been interview with Speed Vision and Al often sees his students on TV. As of today, one student is still with AMG and the other two have moved on to different race teams, winning 2nd and 3rd place at the Mazda Cup and 1st place at Mazda Laguna Raceway. Al could not be more proud of his students…and to think that their careers all started with a lesson in suspension! 49er ROP would like to thank Al and all ROP/CTE instructors for inspiring students to pursue their dreams!