Submitted By: Hart District ROP

Student Background
Christian attended Hart High School from 2004-2008. He took Steve Lindberg’s ROP Silk Screening class during his senior year of high school.
Program Description
Christian had no knowledge of the process of silk screening when he began his ROP class. All he knew was that he loved to see his creations come to life on clothing. While taking the ROP class, Christian and a classmate started a clothing company called “Ornate Clothing.” They began printing t-shirts while in Mr. Lindberg’s classroom.
After graduation, Christian attended the University of California, Santa Barbara. He knew from a young age that he did not want to work a regular 9-5 desk job. During his senior year of college, he created another clothing company concept called “Identity Clothing.” Since his 2013 graduation from UCSB he has made steps toward turning his concept into a reality. Christian thanks the ROP and Mr. Lindberg for their help in achieving his goal.