Submitted By: Butte County ROP

Student Background

Students from Butte County ROP’s Video/Film Production class competed at the Skills USA State Competition and the 1st Annual Directing Change Public Service Announcement Contest.

Program Description

Michael Peck, ROP Instructor of Video/Film Production reports on student success:

Last April ROP Students Bradley Cox and Jonny Trimboli received the Silver Medal at the Skills USA State competition in San Diego. The competition was fierce as there were over 30 teams from around the state, the majority being from the LA and Southern CA area. On a rubric of 800 points, our guys missed the GOLD medal by less than 1% (Gold-87.35%, Silver 87.20%).

Bradley Cox and Sean Olsen also won first place in the 1st Annual Directing Change Public Service Announcement Contest. These two ROP students won a $1000 cash prize, as well as a $1000 donation to the video program at their school. In addition, they were invited to a red carpet event in Sacramento to receive their awards and see their film on the BIG SCREEN.

Directing Change is part of statewide efforts to prevent suicide, reduce stigma and discrimination related to mental illness, and to promote the mental health and wellness of students.


Currently all three students are continuing their education in film and multi-media areas. Jonny and Bradley are freshman at CSU Chico, and Sean is at Butte Community College. Bradley has also secured a job filming for the “The Orion.” Jonny plans on transferring to UCLA after two years to be close to the industry. All three students were two-year students in ROP Video Production Program, “PV House of BLUE,” at Pleasant Valley High School.